How To Speed Up Your WordPress Website

 Speed Up Your WordPress Website

Page Speed is the critical component in the digital user experience. It is reasonable to assume that website loading time is important. Now Google uses site speed as a factors for search engine rankings. We all want to decrease page load time of our website but the matter is how to speed up our website? In this Post I will teach you how to speed up your website load time.

Choose a Good Host

Your web hosting company have a huge impact on the speed of your site. I noticed that two of my friends having a similar website but having different hosting provider one of my friend is using WpEngine and other friend using cheap shared server to host their website. My friend who hosts his website with WpEngine his website speed is awesome but other who hosts his website with cheap shared server his website speed is very low.

If you want to run your website faster then host your website with good hosting company and package

Choose a good Theme

When you choose any theme for your website you must have to check the page speed of “theme demo” using a tool such as pingdom to see how theme run and how much time it take to load. This should give you idea that theme is perfect for your website or not.

Deliver Your Content Through a Content Delivery Network

I recently started using CDN and I noticed that 50% reduction in bandwidth usage and improvement in website page loading speed. A content Delivery network helps you to deliver your website data to from different location across the globe. It is the one of the quickest method to increase your website load speed.

You can Get free CDN from your hosting provider or you can set up using a plugin such as W3 Total Cache plugin

Compress Images

Images are also a part which decrease your website page speed. You have to compress your images with such a great plugin that is WP These plugins compress the images automatically as you upload them to your media library. You won’t notice any difference of the quality of images when you use this Plugin.

Delete Unwanted Items

Unwanted Plugins

High number of plugins slow down your website speed. Try to keep that plugin in your WordPress which you are using and which you want to use.

Delete Spam Comments

Keeping Spam comments in your database also slows down your website speed. Make your routine to delete all spam comments daily.

Delete Post Revisions

Post revision is also just like spam comments. It is the copy of the old post revision in your database that makes your database heavier and it affects to your website speed. Install Better Delete Revision Plugin to delete the old Revisions of your old posts and pages.

JavaScript to the bottom

Use javascript at the bottom of the page it helps to speed up your website because it prevents the browsers from parsing anything after it until it has full loaded.

Enable Keep Alive

Keep Alive allow user device to download multiple files without repeated ask for permission, thus saving bandwidth.

If you want to enable keep alive the copy the code given below and paste it into your .htaccess file

( Header set Connection keep-alive )

Be sure to follow these all steps speed up your site load time. Hope these tips are very helpful for you. If you have any doubt or problem then drop your comment below we will reply as soon as possible. Don’t forget to share this Post.

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