Best Programming Blog That Every Developer Should Be Reading

Developers who are passionate about coding and hacking usually create software wonders. They write new, innovative software and they don’t care about what other people say. Great developers also tend to value their time and they love to automate things. Why do something yourself when a computer program can do it for you?

A good way to become a great developer is to read top programming blogs. If you’re new to programming then it’s hard to find the best programming blogs so I decided to write a series of blog posts about top programming blogs.

I’m starting with blog. Catonmat is regarded as one of the most prominent and renowned blogs for programmers. This blog was started in the year 2007 and it quickly emerged as the top programming blog. Catonmat focuses on real code and getting things done rather than theory. The author of this blog can really play miracles with new and existing code.

catonmat programing blog

Continue reading to learn more about this blog, the author of this blog, his passions and how this blog can help you become a top programmer.

Who created this Innovative Blog?

Peter Krumins

Peter Krumin is the man behind this programming blog which was initiated a decade earlier in the year 2007. He is also operating a company known as Browserling, which is a cross browser testing service in the Bay Area.

Is Peter Krumin a Fabulous and Passionate Coder or Just an Entrepreneur?

Yes, Peter Krumins is a passionate programmer who has come up with new programming concepts and ideas to get software products in a cost-effective manner. He is also a hacker at the elite Hackers and Founders organization, which is one of the world’s biggest start-up networks, and he’s a technical advisor at a company named June that reinvents hiring.

Isn’t it surprising to note a person has left no stone unturned in many different fields? He is also the chief technology advisor at NHS and an author who has published 4 books so far. Indeed great!

If you are wondering about Peter Krummin’s experience with programming that helped him achieve this accolade then it’s about 20 years of programming creativity that he has garnered while working with 7 different prominent companies across the globe.

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What is Peter’s early Experience in Programming Post High-school?

When we were busy playing around in high school, Peter had already gained hands-on experience in programming languages like C and C++.

Peter managed to get real world experience as a PHP and PERL developer, C and C++ coder and a Linux sys-admin at ISP.  He gained brilliant computing skills while learning to hack all the systems.

What is so unique about Catonmat Programming Blog? is regarded as the best programming blog worldwide. He created PicURLs, DiggPics and Reddit Media, Hacker Top and Browserling by using 2 amazing approaches to software development.

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What is Peter’s Hacker’s approach?

In Peter’s terms anything cool that can be achieved easily with the things you have and not claiming extra costly resources. He used this hacker’s approach to create cool stuff with only the things we already had. If anything failed he would go for quick solutions and turn around.

He basically focused on the speed of development and when the product gained popularity he started to improvise the code quality. Brilliant approach, isn’t it?

Reuse and Save Time and Money!

Peter followed the practice of making his code great by using already existing great codes. This approach aligns with Hacker’s approach except that is reuses existing coding libraries and save time in writing stuff that has already been coded and written.

Github is the house of existing codes that offers good solutions to problems like linked lists, audio processing, image conversion, etc. So leverage existing work of developers and reuse code!

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Why should you visit and check out Catonmat?

If you are looking for a blog designed by a professional who is multi-skilled and can write any code to get it right, then Catonmat is the right blog you are scouting for!

The blog has technically sound and elaborate articles with highlights on minute details to show you what software can really do.

Wondering about the technical topics covered by the blog? Well, the blog is an amalgamation of interesting topics which are listed below:

  • Software Debugging
  • Linux shell
  • Linux networking and firewalls
  • Linux systems programming
  • JavaScript
  • Cloud services
  • Windows Apps and win32 API
  • Design of Algorithm
  • Startup and SEO advices
  • Penetration testing
  • Computer puzzles and a lot more!

The Final Say!

Catonmat is the best top programming blog for all programming lovers and passionate programmers who want to learn unique coding skills. So check out this blog, subscribe to RSS feed and see you next time with another great blog review!

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